Pokemon NO! Airbus Broughton employees banned from playing Pokemon Go at work...

Airbus Broughton employees banned from playing Pokemon Go at work

Employees working at Airbus’ Brought-on plant have been banned from playing Pokemon Go at work because of security and safety fears.
An email from bosses has been sent to around 6,000 workers forbidding them playing the popular mobile game.
It’s understood the email was sent after a worker played the game whilst on site at the wing-making factory in Flint-shire.
Last month the Bristol Post reported employees at the Airbus site in Filton were “bemused” as dozens of Pokemon fans started flocking to the high security site to play Pokemon Go.

A spokesman for Airbus was reported to have said at the time: “It’s a serious point – working factories are not places where people should be distracted by playing games.

“They can be hazardous places if not treated with respect.”

He added: “Unauthorized photography has never been permitted at Airbus sites, for reasons of commercial confidentiality primarily. “This applies for across the board and not just for this particular game.”
VW and Boeing have already banned employees from playing the monster-catching game.


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