DGCA & EASA Module 9 : Human Factors: Human Performance and Limitations Questions : PART-3

DGCA & EASA Module 9 : Human Factors: Human Performance and Limitations Questions : PART-3

Que :  1.         Information on drugs and alcohol can be found in.                 
 A.       BCARs.         
 B.       AWN 47.       
 C.       AWN 3.         
Ans : AWN 47.         
Explanation :AWN 47.

Que :  2.         If you have been prescribed new medicine by your doctor you should.                  
 A.       continue with your normal shift pattern. 
 B.       take 3 days off work to try out the new medication.      
 C.       give the new medication a 24 hour trial. 
Ans : give the new medication a 24 hour trial.  
Explanation :AWN 47 Para.3.7 and CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.6.4.3.

Que :  3.         After a general anaesthetic you should.            
 A.       return to work as soon as possible.         
 B.       not return to work for at least 24 to 48 hours (depending on the individual).          
 C.       take at least 7 days off work.         
Ans : not return to work for at least 24 to 48 hours (depending on the individual).
Explanation :AWN 47 Para.3.9.

Que :  4.         Your doctor has prescribed you tranquillizers as you are suffering from depression. You should.                      
 A.       not tell your employer and carry on work as normal.    
 B.       tell your employer and carry on work as normal.           
 C.       not work at all when taking the tranquillizers.   
Ans : not work at all when taking the tranquillizers.     
Explanation :AWN 47 App.1 Para.1 (ii).

Que :  5.         The use of 'pep' pills by an aircraft engineer.                
 A.       is recommended only when working late or on night shift.    
 B.       as they stimulate the senses and make you less prone to accidents.          
 C.       can only be used if prescribed by your doctor should never be done (except for coffee).
Ans : should never be done (except for coffee).           
Explanation :AWN 47 App.1 Para.1 (v) and CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.6.4.3.

Que :  6.         You are taking SUDAFED to relief nasal congestion.You should.               
 A.       stay away from work until you no longer require the SUDAFED.      
 B.       continue to take them at work because SUDAFED has no side effects.     
 C.       avoid making engineering decisions or performing  licensed duties.           
Ans : avoid making engineering decisions or performing licensed duties. 
Explanation :AWN 47 App.1 Para.1 (ix) and CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.6.4.3.

Que :  7.         What is slow wave sleep?.            
 A.       Paradoxical sleep.  
 B.       Stage 2- 4 sleep.     
 C.       REM. 
Ans : Stage 2- 4 sleep.       
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.5.1.3.

Que :  8.         Phase 3/4 sleep.                 
 A.       can be induced by alcohol.           
 B.       occurs only once per sleep cycle.
 C.       is most beneficial for the body's restoration.      
Ans : is most beneficial for the body's restoration.        
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.5.1.3.

Que :  9.         Human error can be caused by.               
 A.       high body temperature.      
 B.       normal body temperature. 
 C.       low body temperature.        
Ans : low body temperature.         
Explanation :Both high and low body temperature can cause error. The answer here is taken from CAP 716 App.K Para.4.2.

Que :  10.       What meal is most recommended after a long shift?.              
 A.       High carbohydrates.           
 B.       Low carbohydrates.
 C.       High protein.
Ans : High carbohydrates. 
Explanation :Carbohydrates replace blood sugar levels most quickly.

Que :  11.       Long shift work will.            
 A.       initially decrease your diagnostic and maintenance ability but eventually increase your diagnostic and maintenance ability as you get used to it.       
 B.       always decrease your diagnostic and maintenance ability.   
 C.       always increase your diagnostic and maintenance ability.    
Ans : always decrease your diagnostic and maintenance ability.     
Explanation :CAP 716 Ch.4 Para.3.

Que :  12.       The circadian cycle body temperature.               
 A.       does not vary.         
 B.       varies by 1.5°C.       
 C.       varies by 1.5°F.        
Ans : varies by 1.5°F.         
Explanation :Body temperature varies from 98.5 deg.F (daytime) and drops to about 97 deg.F (at about 3-4am).

Que :  13.       Acute stress is.                    
 A.       intense stress of long duration.    
 B.       typically intense but of short duration.    
 C.       a freQue :ntly reoccurring stress or of long duration.   
Ans : typically intense but of short duration.      
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.2.3.1.

Que :  14.       Chronic stress is.                
 A.       a freQue :ntly reoccurring stress or of long duration.   
 B.       typically intense but of short duration.    
 C.       intense stress of long duration.    
Ans : a freQue :ntly reoccurring stress or of long duration.     
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.2.3.1.

Que :  15.       Smoking cannabis.            
 A.       subtly impairs performance for up to 24 hours. 
 B.       has only a short term affect upon performance.           
 C.       has a noticeable affect on a persons behaviour and performance for up to 24 hours.     
Ans : subtly impairs performance for up to 24 hours.   
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.6.5.2.

Que :  16.       Performance is.                   
 A.       inversely proportional to the individuals state of arousal.       
 B.       directly proportional to the individuals state of arousal.           
 C.       greatest only at one optimum level of arousal but diminishes as arousal decreases or increases.           
Ans : inversely proportional to the individuals state of arousal.         
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.4.3.1.

Que :  17.       Missing a break in an effort to get a job done within a certain time frame.               
 A.       can be done by those actually doing the job providing the supervisors take regular breaks.       
 B.       can be counterproductive, as fatigue diminishes motor skills, perception, awareness and standards.    
 C.       can be done providing adequate rest period is available at the end of the shift.    
Ans : can be counterproductive, as fatigue diminishes motor skills, perception, awareness and standards.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.6  Para.1.2.5.            

Que :  18.       Tiredness causes visual acuity to.                       
 A.       decrease.      
 B.       Visual acuity is not affected by tiredness.          
 C.       increase.       
Ans : decrease.       
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.4.                

Que :  19.       Narrowing of attention occurs at.             
 A.       low levels of arousal.         
 B.       both high and low levels of arousal.       
 C.       high levels of arousal.       
Ans : high levels of arousal.         
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.4.3.2.             

Que :  20.       The blood/alcohol limit is.              
 A.       20 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood for commercial aircrew, air traffic controllers and 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood for maintenance engineers.       
 B.       40 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood.     
 C.       20 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood for commercial aircrew, air traffic controllers and maintenance engineers.       
Ans : 20 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood for commercial aircrew, air traffic controllers and 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood for maintenance engineers.   
Explanation :AWN CAP455  Notice 45 Para.6.             

Que :  21.       Paradoxical sleep is also known as.                   
 A.       Stage 3 sleep.          
 B.       Stage 4 sleep.          
 C.       REM sleep.  
Ans : REM sleep.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.5.1.2.             

Que :  22.       When taking medicine for the first time.             
 A.       take the first dose at least 24 hours before any duty to ensure that it does not have any adverse effects.          
 B.       absent yourself from work for the duration of use of the medicine.  
 C.       consult a doctor if you need to carry out any duties.    
Ans : take the first dose at least 24 hours before any duty to ensure that it does not have any adverse effects.          
Explanation :AWN 47 Para.3.7 (b).                      

Que :  23.       For a man to maintain his fitness and health the conducive maximum recommended alcohol intake is.                 
 A.       3 - 4 units per week.           
 B.       28 units per week.  
 C.       28 units per day.     
Ans : 28 units per week.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.1.6.1.             

Que :  24.       Human Circadian rhythms cycle on a.               
 A.       25 hour timescale.  
 B.       8 hour timescale.    
 C.       24 hour time scale. 
Ans : 25 hour timescale.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.5.2.1.             

Que :  25.       Removal of alcohol from the blood stream.                    
 A.       can be speeded up by sleeping.  
 B.       cannot be speeded up.      
 C.       can be speeded up by drinking strong coffee.  
Ans : cannot be speeded up.        
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.6.3.2.             

Que :  26.       For a person with normal Circadian rhythms, the body temperature will be lowest.                      
 A.       between 4 and 6 o'clock in the morning.
 B.       upon waking.           
 C.       at midday.     
Ans : between 4 and 6 o'clock in the morning. 
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.5.2.3.             

Que :  27.       If a maintenance engineer has a cold or flu he should.                      
 A.       only absent himself from duty if his work contract includes sickness pay.  
 B.       only absent himself from duty if there are no staff  shortages at his workplace or within his work team. 
 C.       absent himself from duty until fully recovered, regardless of other factors. 
Ans : absent himself from duty until fully recovered, regardless of other factors.   
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.1.5.5.             

Que :  28.       Consumption of alcohol.               
 A.       increases mental and physical reaction times. 
 B.       has no affect upon mental and physical reaction times.         
 C.       decreases mental and physical reaction times.
Ans : increases mental and physical reaction times.   
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.6.3.1 Please think about the wording very carefully.               

Que :  29.       Alertness and performance is reduced when the body temperature is.                   
 A.       above normal.          
 B.       below normal.          
 C.       either above or below normal.      
Ans : below normal.
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.5.2.3.             

Que :  30.       A good rule of thumb for an adequate amount of sleep is.                 
 A.       one hour of high quality sleep is good for two hours of activity.        
 B.       two hours of high quality sleep is good for one hour of activity.        
 C.       one hour of high quality sleep is good for one hour of activity.         
Ans : one hour of high quality sleep is good for two hours of activity.          
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.5.5.1.             

Que :  31.       Finding that familiar tasks (such as programming the video recorder) seems more complicated than usual, could be an early indication of.                    
 A.       acute stress. 
 B.       chronic fatigue.       
 C.       a cold or flu. 
Ans : chronic fatigue.         
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.5.5.4.             

Que :  32.       The only permitted stimulant is.               
 A.       bromine.       
 B.       caffeine.       
 C.       amphetamine.         
Ans : caffeine.         
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.6.4.3 and AWN 47 App. Para.(v).             

Que :  33.       Large amounts of caffeine can.               
 A.       cause anxiety, headaches and stress.   
 B.       reduce anxiety and stress.
 C.       improve alertness and increase awareness.     
Ans : cause anxiety, headaches and stress.     
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.6.4.3.             

Que :  34.       The symptoms of stress are.                     
 A.       violence, sickness, absence from work, drug and alcohol abuse.    
 B.       indications of improved work performance.       
 C.       irritability, forgetfulness, sickness, absence from work, drug and alcohol abuse.  
Ans : irritability, forgetfulness, sickness, absence from work, drug and alcohol abuse.    
Explanation :AWN 47 and CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.2.3.4.             

Que :  35.       Sleeping tablets can.                     
 A.       slow reaction and dull the senses.          
 B.       increase alertness after waking the following morning.          
 C.       help REM sleep and realign circadian rhythms.           
Ans : slow reaction and dull the senses.
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.6.4.3.             

Que :  36.       Information for certifying staff when medically unfit is found in.                   
 A.       AWN 3.         
 B.       AWN 47.       
 C.       ANO. 
Ans : AWN 47.         
Explanation :AWN 47.                   

Que :  37.       What effect would the consumption of 3 - 5 units ofalcohol?.                       
 A.       Loss of quality of sleep.     
 B.       Low REM sleep.      
 C.       A drop in body temperature.          
Ans : Loss of quality of sleep.       
Explanation :Alcohol produces a loss of quality sleep.                       

Que :  38.       Long shift work.                   
 A.       decreases the ability to recognize defects.        
 B.       increases the ability to recognize defects.         
 C.       has no effect on the ability to recognize defects.          
Ans : decreases the ability to recognize defects.          
Explanation :CAP 716 App.1 Para 1.5.               

Que :  39.       Circadian Rhythms control.                      
 A.       body temperature.   
 B.       urine output.
 C.       sleeping patterns.   
Ans : body temperature.     
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.5.2.1.             

Que :  41.       A stimulant allowed to be taken without a doctor's prescription is.                
 A.       bromine.       
 B.       caffeine.       
 C.       antihistamine.          
Ans : caffeine.         
Explanation :NIL.                

Que :  42.       The conditions laid down in AWN 47 are applicable to aircraft engineers.             
 A.       who sign for work completed.       
 B.       when under the influence of drink or drugs.     
 C.       for their safety at work.       
Ans : when under the influence of drink or drugs.       
Explanation :AWN 47 Paras 2.1 and 2.2.                       

Que :  43.       Consumption of 3 - 4 units of alcohol before sleep can.                     
 A.       increase REM sleep.          
 B.       decrease the quality of sleep.       
 C.       lower the body temperature.         
Ans : decrease the quality of sleep.        
Explanation :Alcohol has no beneficial qualities (as far as work and sleep is concerned anyway).                  

Que :  44.       The cycles of body temperature, sleep requirement and alertness are called.                    
 A.       earth cycles. 
 B.       circadian rhythms.  
 C.       ecto - meridian cycles.       
Ans : circadian rhythms.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.5.2.                

Que :  45.       The intake of caffeine in moderate quantities can result in.               
 A.       anxiety, headaches and negative mood states.
 B.       lack of sleep and subseQue :nt disruption to the circadian rhythms.           
 C.       a temporary increase in the ability to sustain vigilance and increased alertness.  
Ans : a temporary increase in the ability to sustain vigilance and increased alertness.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.6.4.3 ('Pep' pills).                 

Que :  46.       Working excessively long shifts during unsociable hours can lead to.                    
 A.       decreased ability to detect defects during aircraft maintenance.       
 B.       an increased immunity to stress. 
 C.       increased ability to detect defects during aircraft maintenance.        
Ans : decreased ability to detect defects during aircraft maintenance.         
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.5.5.4.             

Que :  47.       In theory, human error is most likely to occur.               
 A.       when the body temperature is at its lowest.       
 B.       during very hot weather.    
 C.       when the body temperature is stable.     
Ans : when the body temperature is at its lowest.         
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.5.2.3.             

Que :  48.       An individual suffering from stress when confronted with a task within his capability is likely to think the task is.                
 A.       too demanding.       
 B.       not demanding enough.    
 C.       someone else's responsibility.     
Ans : someone else's responsibility.       
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.2.6 One defence strategy of a person under stress is to avoid additional stressors, by (for example) shifting responsibility.             

Que :  49.       AWN 47 does not mention.                       
 A.       pep's. 
 B.       sudafed.       
 C.       melatonin.    
Ans : melatonin.      
Explanation :Melatonin is mentioned in CAP 715, Ch.4 Para.6.4.4 (even though the section is a transcript from  AWN47).               

Que :  50.       3 - 4 units of alcohol taken before sleep reduces.                    
 A.       both.  
 B.       quantity of sleep.    
 C.       quality of sleep.       
Ans : both.    
Explanation :NIL.                

Que :  51.       Which is important in sleep?.                   
 A.       Quantity.       
 B.       Quality.         
 C.       Both.  
Ans : Both.   
Explanation :NIL.                

Que :  52.       Stressors in the environment of noise and heat will cause.               
 A.       no loss of attention.
 B.       a total loss of attention.      
 C.       a loss of attention and a distraction.        
Ans : a loss of attention and a distraction.         
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.5.                    

Que :  53.       When going from day shift to night shift, efficiency.                
 A.       stays the same.       
 B.       will drop off after the first four weeks.     
 C.       will drop off in the first four weeks.          
Ans : will drop off in the first four weeks.
Explanation :CAP 716 App.I.                    

Que :  54.       When working on aircraft, the consumption of alcohol.                      
 A.       is permissible providing the drink driving limit is not exceeded.       
 B.       you cannot work on aircraft even 8 hours after consuming large quantities of alcohol.   
 C.       a certain amount is permissible.  
Ans : you cannot work on aircraft even 8 hours after consuming large quantities of alcohol.     
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.6.2 (1/2 drink-drive limit) and Para.6.3.3.            

Que :  55.       Drinking 3 - 4 units of alcohol before sleeping results in.                   
 A.       loss of non-REM sleep.     
 B.       loss of quality sleep.           
 C.       a drop in body temperature.          
Ans : loss of quality sleep.
Explanation :NIL.                

Que :  56.       What effect does alcohol have on sleep?.                     
 A.       Both.  
 B.       Decreases quantity of sleep.        
 C.       Decreases quality of sleep.           
Ans : Both.   
Explanation :NIL.                

Que :  57.       Narrowing of attention occurs in states of.                     
 A.       optimum arousal.    
 B.       low arousal. 
 C.       high arousal.           
Ans : high arousal. 
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.4.3.2.             

Que :  58.       Hypoxia can.            
 A.       cause a person to slip into a coma if they are not quickly warmed up again.          
 B.       impair the sensitivity of the rods and hence have a detrimental effect on eyesight.          
 C.       improve the night vision of the cones of the eyes.       
Ans : impair the sensitivity of the rods and hence have a detrimental effect on eyesight.
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.8.                

Que :  59.       You are taking prescribed drugs.             
 A.       Carry on working, as long as you know the primary and secondary side effects.  
 B.       Do not work. 
 C.       Work and don't care about other things. 
Ans : Carry on working, as long as you know the primary and secondary side effects.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.6.4.                

Que :  60.       Which of the following is an acceptable substance, with regard to aircraft maintenance?.                       
 A.       Penicillin.     
 B.       Caffeine.      
 C.       Beta Blockers.         
Ans : Caffeine.        
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.6.4.3 'Pep' pills and AWN 47.                   

Que :  61.       Circadian Rhythms have a cycle of.                   
 A.       25 Hours.      
 B.       24 Hours.      
 C.       23 Hours.      
Ans : 25 Hours.       
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 Para.5.2.1.             

Que :  63.       After drinking alcohol, absorption is dependant on.                
 A.       weight.          
 B.       age.   
 C.       time.   
Ans : time.    
Explanation :CAP 716 App.R Para.1.1.              

Que :  64.       An engineer has a body mass index of 28. Thiswould normally be classed as.                 
 A.       a healthy weight with no real risk of developing healthproblems.     
 B.       underweight with no real risk of developing health  problems.          
 C.       overweight and at a risk of developing health problems.        
Ans : a healthy weight with no real risk of developing healthproblems.      
Explanation :Good BMI is 17 - 22 (men). 28 is considerably overweight. See.            http://nhlbisupport.com/bmi/bmicalc.htm

Que :  66.       If an average adult has consumed the equivalent of four units of alcohol, how long will it take for this level to drop to two units.                 
 A.       four hours.  
 B.       eight hours.  
 C.       two hours.    
Ans : two hours.      
Explanation :IAS Fact Sheet Pg.4.                      

Que :  67.       How many stages of sleep are there?.                
 A.       5.        
 B.       3.        
 C.       4.        
Ans : 5.          
Explanation :CAP 715 chapter 4 page 11.                     

Que :  68.       REM sleep can also be referred to as.                
 A.       paranormal sleep.   
 B.       slow wave sleep.     
 C.       paradoxical sleep.   
Ans : paradoxical sleep.    
Explanation :CAP 715 chapter 4 page 11.                     

Que :  69.       The presence of something damaging to ones health would be an example of a.            
 A.       psychological stressor.      
 B.       reactive stressor.     
 C.       physical stressor.    
Ans : physical stressor.      
Explanation :CAP 715 chapter 4 page 4.                       

Que :  70.       Aircraft engineers can take common sense steps to maintain their fitness and health. These are known as.                      
 A.       self-improvement measures.        
 B.       positive self-improvement.
 C.       positive measures.  
Ans : positive measures.   
Explanation :CAP 715 chapter 4 page 3 1.6 Positive Measures.                   

Que :  71.       The amount of stress experienced with a particular task is dependent on.             
 A.       the perceived demand and actual ability.           
 B.       the perceived demand and perceived ability.    
 C.       the actual demand and actual ability.     
Ans : the perceived demand and perceived ability.      
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 para 2.3.                 

Que :  73.       Long shift work will.            
 A.       increase your diagnostic and maintenance ability.      
 B.       initially decrease your diagnostic and maintenance ability but then you will get used to it.         
 C.       decrease your diagnostic and maintenance ability.     
Ans : decrease your diagnostic and maintenance ability.       
Explanation :                       

Que :  74.       Phase 3 and 4 sleep is.                 
 A.       occurs only once per sleep cycle.
 B.       most beneficial for the bodies recovery. 
 C.       induced by alcohol.
Ans : most beneficial for the bodies recovery.   
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch 4 para 5.1.3.              

Que :  75.       Clinical insomnia can be caused by.                  
 A.       caffeine.       
 B.       jet lag.
 C.       a change of environment. 
Ans : caffeine.         
Explanation :                       

Que :  76.       The normal recovery for Circadian dysrhythmia is.                  
 A.       at a rate 2.5 hours a day.   
 B.       at a rate 1.5 hours a day.   
 C.       at a rate 2 hours a day.      
Ans : at a rate 1.5 hours a day.     
Explanation :            http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_Lag 1 day per time zone is quoted here      

Que :  77.       When comparing noise levels on Human Performance.                    
 A.       noise has no effect on the number of errors or the speed of performance of an individual.        
 B.       an individual can find noise levels annoying but still perform well indefinitely.    
 C.       noise is directly proportional to the number of errors and the speed of performance of an individual.    
Ans : noise is directly proportional to the number of errors and the speed of performance of an individual.    


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