DGCA & EASA Module 9 : Human Factors: Factors Affecting Performance Questions : PART-4

DGCA & EASA Module 9 : Human Factors: Factors Affecting Performance Questions : PART-4

Que :  1.         70 - 80% of the total focusing ability of the eye is carried out by the.            
 A.       iris.     
 B.       cornea.          
 C.       lens.  
Ans : cornea.           
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.2.    

Que :  2.         At what distance should a person without hearing difficulties be able to hear an average conversational voice in a quiet room.                 
 A.       2 metres (6 feet).     
 B.       3 metres (9 feet.       
 C.       1 metre (3 feet).       
Ans : 2 metres (6 feet).       
Explanation :AWN 47 Para.3.5 and CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.3.10.1.       

Que :  3.         A perforated ear drum could occur if.                  
 A.       you were subjected to intermittent noise above 25 kHz.          
 B.       you blew your nose excessively. 
 C.       you were subjected to continuous noise below 8 kHz.
Ans : you were subjected to continuous noise below 8 kHz. 
Explanation :Normal audible range is 20 - 20,000 Hz (CAP 715 Ch.5 Para.1.1). 8 kHz is high freQue :ncy. Anything below that can cause damage if sound level is too high.    

Que :  4.         How long is the short term memory good for remembering 7 items?.            
 A.       30 to 60 seconds.    
 B.       Up to 30 seconds.   
 C.       Above 60 seconds. 
Ans : Up to 30 seconds.     
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.5.5. 

Que :  5.         What is white finger?.                    
 A.       A disorder of the finger which may occur through continuous use of pneumatic tools because of reduced blood flow.
 B.       A reaction when the white blood cells die and contaminate the fingers.     
 C.       A skin disorder caused by extensive contact with oils and solvents.
Ans : A disorder of the finger which may occur through continuous use of pneumatic tools because of reduced blood flow.
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.5 Para.5.2.    

Que :  6.         When someone is working in an enclosed space (such a fuel tank), another person should be outside the space in constant communication to.               
 A.       provide instructions to the tradesman.    
 B.       ensure compliance with the maintenance manual.     
 C.       for safety reasons.  
Ans : for safety reasons.    
Explanation :CAP715 Ch.5 Para. 6 This is the normal procedure for the safety of the tradesman.        

Que :  7.         The scientific study of measurements of the human body is known as.                  
 A.       ergonomics. 
 B.       physiology.   
 C.       anthropometrics.     
Ans : anthropometrics.       
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.1 Para.1.4.4 From the Greek 'Anthropos' meaning 'a man' and 'Metron' meaning 'measurement'.   

Que :  8.         How long can the aural reflex protect the ear from loud noise?.                   
 A.       5 seconds.    
 B.       15 seconds. 
 C.       15 minutes.  
Ans : 15 minutes.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.3.3.    

Que :  9.         What part of the eye controls the amount of light that is allowed to enter the eye?.                      
 A.       The pupil.     
 B.       The iris.         
 C.       The cornea.  
Ans : The iris.           
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.3.    

Que :  10.       Learning of a routine by repeated practice is known as.                     
 A.       cognitive learning.  
 B.       motor programming.           
 C.       episodic memory.    
Ans : motor programming. 
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.6.    

Que :  11.       The ear is used to detect.              
 A.       speed.           
 B.       neither acceleration or speed.      
 C.       acceleration.
Ans : acceleration.  
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.3.1.1. 

Que :  12.       Light enters the eye through the.             
 A.       cornea.          
 B.       visual cortex.
 C.       retina.
Ans : cornea.           
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.1.    

Que :  13.       To focus on a near object, the lens of the eye must.                
 A.       be widened. 
 B.       be flattened. 
 C.       be thickened.           
Ans : be thickened.
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.4.    

Que :  14.       Which type of memory is most susceptible to interference from external influences?.                 
 A.       Long term.    
 B.       Ultra short term.       
 C.       Short term.    
Ans : Short term.     
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.8.8. 

Que :  15.       Peripheral vision is detected by the.                   
 A.       cones.           
 B.       fovea.
 C.       rods.  
Ans : rods.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.5.1. 

Que :  16.       Extreme discomfort experienced by a maintenance engineer due to working in a confined space is known as.             
 A.       claustrophobia.       
 B.       acrophobia.  
 C.       agoraphobia.           
Ans : claustrophobia.         
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.5.1.1. 

Que :  17.       What part of the eye is colour sensitive?.                       
 A.       The rods.      
 B.       The cones.   
 C.       The iris.         
Ans : The cones.     
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.5.1. 

Que :  18.       What type of lens is used to overcome short sightedness?.               
 A.       Concave.      
 B.       Bi-focal.        
 C.       Convex.        
Ans : Concave.        
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.7.2. 

Que :  19.       The type of memory which is most easily influenced by a person's expectations of what should have happened is the.                 
 A.       long term memory.  
 B.       semantic memory.   
 C.       episodic memory.    
Ans : episodic memory.      
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.5.8. 

Que :  20.       The inability for the eyes to accommodate sufficiently is known as.             
 A.       Presbyopia.  
 B.       Hypermetropia.        
 C.       myopia.         
Ans : Presbyopia.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.7.4. 

Que :  21.       An aircraft maintenance engineer who wears glasses or contact lenses should.             
 A.       not require their duties to be restricted providing they wear their glasses/contact lenses at all times they carry out their duties. 
 B.       have their duties restricted accordingly. 
 C.       not require their duties to be restricted providing they have freQue :nt checks to ensure the adequacy of their glasses/contact lenses.         
Ans : not require their duties to be restricted providing they have freQue :nt checks to ensure the adequacy of their glasses/contact lenses.         
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.12.2 and Ch.6 Para.3.3. 

Que :  22.       Ultra short term memory has a duration of about.                     
 A.       10 to 20 seconds.    
 B.       80 - 100 milliseconds.        
 C.       2 seconds.    
Ans : 2 seconds.     
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.5.4. 

Que :  23.       What type of lens is used to correct long sightedness?.                     
 A.       Concave.      
 B.       Convex.        
 C.       Bi-focal.        
Ans : Convex.          
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.7.1. 

Que :  24.       Visual Acuity is the ability.            
 A.       to differentiate between different colours.          
 B.       to detect objects in the peripheral vision.           
 C.       of the eye to discriminate sharp detail at varying distances.   
Ans : of the eye to discriminate sharp detail at varying distances.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.4.    

Que :  25.       The 'working memory' is.               
 A.       long term memory.  
 B.       short term memory. 
 C.       ultra short term memory.    
Ans : short term memory.   
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.5.3. 

Que :  26.       Colour defective vision affects.                
 A.       almost 1 in 10 of men.        
 B.       more women than men.     
 C.       almost 1 in 10 of women.  
Ans : almost 1 in 10 of men.         
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.11.2.           

Que :  27.       At lower light levels, the visual sensing is performed mainly by the.            
 A.       fovea.
 B.       cones.           
 C.       rods.  
Ans : rods.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.5.1. 

Que :  28.       If an image formed on the retina of the eye is inverted relative to the viewers normal perception of the image, the viewer will.            
 A.       become disoriented and dizzy.     
 B.       consciously mentally revert the image so as to make sense of his/her surroundings.      
 C.       behave and feel normal.   
Ans : behave and feel normal.     
Explanation :The lens of the eye inverts the image, which is subconsciously reverted by the brain.    

Que :  29.       People with colour defective vision usually have difficulty differentiating between.                     
 A.       red and green.         
 B.       blue and yellow.      
 C.       blue and green.       
Ans : red and green.           
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.11.2.           

Que :  30.       The 'cocktail party effect' is descriptive of.                      
 A.       selective attention.  
 B.       divided attention.    
 C.       focused attention.   
Ans : selective attention.   
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.3.3. 

Que :  31.       Hypermetropia is the medical name for.             
 A.       short sightedness.  
 B.       long sightedness.   
 C.       deafness.     
Ans : long sightedness.     
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.7.1. 

Que :  32.       What range of sound is usually impaired first with the onset of presbycusis?.                  
 A.       High pitch sound.   
 B.       Low pitch sound.   
 C.       Mid range sound.    
Ans : High pitch sound.     
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.3.9.    

Que :  33.       The amount of light which is allowed to enter the eye can vary by a factor of.                   
 A.       500:1.
 B.       5:1.     
 C.       1:5.     
Ans : 5:1.      
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.3.    

Que :  34.       Presbyopia often effects the eyes of people after the age of.             
 A.       55.      
 B.       40.      
 C.       70.      
Ans : 40.       
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.7.4. 

Que :  35.       From what age does hearing ability normally begin to decline?.                   
 A.       40.      
 B.       50.      
 C.       30.      
Ans : 30.       
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.3.9.    

Que :  36.       A person with 20/40 vision has.               
 A.       worse eyesight as a person with 20/20 vision.  
 B.       better eyesight than a person with 20/20 vision.           
 C.       the same eyesight as a person with 20/20 vision.       
Ans : worse eyesight as a person with 20/20 vision.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.6.3. 

Que :  37.       Long term memory capacity is usually.               
 A.       unlimited.     
 B.       4 - 8 years.    
 C.       12 months.   
Ans : unlimited.       
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.5.7. 

Que :  38.       The inability for the eyes to accommodate sufficiently is known as.             
 A.       myopia.         
 B.       hypermetropia.        
 C.       presbyopia.  
Ans : presbyopia.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.7.4. 

Que :  39.       Ultra short term memory has a duration of about.                     
 A.       10 to 20 seconds.    
 B.       2 seconds.    
 C.       80 - 100 milliseconds.        
Ans : 2 seconds.     
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.5.4. 

Que :  40.       The memory can be aided by.                  
 A.       a checklist.   
 B.       memory checking.  
 C.       mind logging.           
Ans : a checklist.     
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.6 Para.4.5 ('appropriate quidance material').      

Que :  41.       In AWN 47 what is the recommended hearing test?.               
 A.       The ability to hear an average conversation voice at a distance of 10 feet. 
 B.       The ability to hear a certain noise at 8 feet.       
 C.       The ability to hear an average conversation voice at a distance of 6 feet.   
Ans : The ability to hear an average conversation voice at a distance of 6 feet.     
Explanation :AWN 47 Par.3.5.      

Que :  42.       Iconic memory.                    
 A.       stores sounds and lasts up to 2 seconds.          
 B.       stores visual information and lasts up to 1/2 second.  
 C.       stores visual information and lasts up to 2 seconds.   
Ans : stores visual information and lasts up to 1/2 second.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.2.    

Que :  43.       The first stage in information processing is.                  
 A.       decision.       
 B.       memorizing. 
 C.       perception.   
Ans : perception.     
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.3.8. 

Que :  44.       Information, if not rehearsed is lost in.                
 A.       10 - 20 seconds.      
 B.       1 minute.      
 C.       30 - 40 seconds.      
Ans : 10 - 20 seconds.       
Explanation :eCAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.5.5.           

Que :  45.       In AWN 47, what is the standard hearing test?.            
 A.       The ability to hear a conversation in a quiet room at 2 metres.          
 B.       The ability to hear a conversation in a quiet room at 10 metres.        
 C.       The ability to hear a conversation in a noisy room at 2 metres.          
Ans : The ability to hear a conversation in a quiet room at 2 metres.
Explanation :AWN 47 Para.35.    

Que :  46.       Information in the short term memory not rehearsed will be lost in.              
 A.       10 - 20 seconds.      
 B.       1 - 3 months.
 C.       2 - 3 weeks.  
Ans : 10 - 20 seconds.       
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.5.5. 

Que :  47.       What is the CAA standard for vision?.                
 A.       Acceptable uncorrected vision.    
 B.       Acceptable corrected vision.         
 C.       18/20 vision.
Ans : Acceptable corrected vision.           
Explanation :AWN 47 Para.3.4.   

Que :  48.       In the human eye most of the refraction required to bring an image into focus on the retina is accomplished by the.      iris.     
 A.       lens.  
 B.       cornea.          
Ans : cornea.           
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.2.    

Que :  49.       The average capacity of the working memory is about.                       
 A.       7 chunks of information.   
 B.       4 chunks of information.   
 C.       12 chunks of information. 
Ans : 7 chunks of information.     
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.5.5 Short term memory (aka working memory) is also known as the 7 +/-2 memory.

Que :  50.       The retina is situated.                     
 A.       behind the cornea with the lens. 
 B.       in front of the cornea.         
 C.       at the back of the eye with the optic nerve.        
Ans : at the back of the eye with the optic nerve.          
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.1.    

Que :  51.       Motor programme refers to.                       
 A.       motivational computer software.  
 B.       a task that has been carried out so many times that it becomes automatic. 
 C.       a task that becomes programmed into short term memory.     
Ans : a task that has been carried out so many times that it becomes automatic.  
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.6.    

Que :  52.       Memory which can be influenced by a persons expectations of what should have happened is.            
 A.       echoic.          
 B.       semantic.      
 C.       episodic.       
Ans : episodic.         
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.5.8. 

Que :  53.       Information in the long term memory.                 
 A.       is easily transferred to the short term memory.  
 B.       is easily lost.
 C.       is only available under hypnosis.
Ans : is easily lost.  
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.5.7 - 8.        

Que :  54.       How many things can be stored in the short term memory?.              
 A.       0 - 5.  
 B.       9 - 15.
 C.       No limit.         
Ans : 9 - 15.  
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.4.5.5 7+/-2 makes 5 or 9, but b is considered correct due to memory enhancement techniQue :s (grouping). 

Que :  55.       In the eye, the cones are used mainly in.                      
 A.       bright light to give fine detail.        
 B.       bright light levels and they give poor colour vision.     
 C.       low light levels and they give poor colour vision.         
Ans : bright light to give fine detail.         
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.5.1. 

Que :  56.       A person suffering from presbyopia would normally.              
 A.       wear spectacles when reading or carrying out close detail work.      
 B.       have defective colour vision and not be allowed to carry out maintenance work on cable looms.           
 C.       be short sighted and need to wear spectacles to see objects more than 30 cm away.      
Ans : wear spectacles when reading or carrying out close detail work.        
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.2.7.4. 

Que :  57.       Noise signals are carried to the brain by the.                
 A.       sensory nerve.         
 B.       auditory nerve.        
 C.       Eustachian nerve.  
Ans : auditory nerve.          
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.3.4.    

Que :  58.       Poking sharp objects into the ear should be avoided as it is likely to result in.                   
 A.       tinnitus ringing.       
 B.       conductive hearing loss.   
 C.       tympanic membrane perforation. 
Ans : tympanic membrane perforation.   
Explanation :Tympanic membrane is the technical name for the ear drum.

Que :  59.       Attention Getters are designed to.                       
 A.       to gain the operators attention whilst allowing them to  continue with the task in hand.  
 B.       to make the operator focus his/her attention fully on the task in hand.        
 C.       to get the operators full attention.
Ans : to get the operators full attention.  
Explanation :Attention Getters are used in advertisements and posters etc to grab the operators full attention.      

Que :  60.       At what maximum freQue :ncy does the human ear hear?.               
 A.       16 kHz.          
 B.       8 kHz.
 C.       20 kHz.          
Ans : 20 kHz.           
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 Para.3.5.1. 

Que :  61.       Motor programmes.             
 A.       are behaviour subroutines.           
 B.       require conscious thought to engage.    
 C.       are stored as working rules in long term memory.        
Ans : are stored as working rules in long term memory.          
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.4 para 4.6.     

Que :  62.       The pupil of the eye grows smaller.                     
 A.       in condition of reduced light.        
 B.       to focus the fovea.  
 C.       in condition of increased light.     
Ans : in condition of increased light.       
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 para 2.3.     

Que :  63.       Conductive deafness can be caused by damage to the.                    
 A.       cochlea.        
 B.       otoliths.         
 C.       semi circular canals.          
Ans : cochlea.          
Explanation :Nil.      http://www.encyclopedia.com/html/section/deafness_ConductiveDeafness.asp

Que :  64.       Detail is best sensed by the ______ and movement best sensed by the ______.             
 A.       the periphery and the periphery.  
 B.       the periphery and fovea.   
 C.       the fovea and periphery.   
Ans : the fovea and periphery.     
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 para 2.5.     

Que :  65.       If a person is colour blind, which colours would be most difficult to see?.              
 A.       Red and green.       
 B.       Blue and red.           
 C.       Yellow and red.       
Ans : Red and green.         
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 para 2.11.2.           

Que :  66.       Myopia is _______ and a ______ lens is needed to correct it.                       
 A.       long sightedness and concave.   
 B.       short sightedness and convex.    
 C.       short sightedness and concave.  
Ans : short sightedness and concave.    
Explanation :CAP 715 Ch.2 para 2.7.2.  

Que :  67.       The Otoliths detect.             
 A.       angular acceleration.         
 B.       linear acceleration. 
 C.       both angular and linear acceleration.     
Ans : linear acceleration.   
Explanation :Nil.      http://www.tchain.com/otoneurology/disorders/bppv/otoliths.html#orientation

Que :  68.       The nose.                 
 A.       filters the air into the lungs.          
 B.       filters, warms and moistens the air into the lungs.       
 C.       filters the air into the lungs.          
Ans : filters, warms and moistens the air into the lungs.         
Explanation :Nil.      http://www.sirinet.net/~jgjohnso/respiratory.html

Que :  69.       The most common cause of myopia is.               
 A.       weak accommodation.       
 B.       a shortened eyeball.           
 C.       an elongated eyeball.        
Ans : an elongated eyeball.          


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